Wednesday, November 21, 2007

skripsi : The Comparison of Effectiveness Between Communicative Method and Grammar-Translaion Method on Teaching Genetive Case to The Students’ .

:The Comparison of Effectiveness Between Communicative Method and Grammar-Translaion Method on Teaching Genetive Case to The Students’ .
Thesis, Medan :

This thesis deals with students’ in learning English Grammar. This population of this research was the 2002 / 2003 were 202 and the sample in five classes. MTs Negeri Binjai in two group : experimental group was taken randomly as the sample. The group consists 50 students.
The data were collected by giving a set of test, multiple choice. This was done before and after the experimental group was taught five times with the communicative language teaching.
The result of the calculating of the score of all factors show that 25 % students have high level, 67,6 % of the students are in the middle level and only 3,3 % of them has low level of English. It indicates the comparison communicative method and grammar-translation method.
Therefore the writer conclude that he comparison communicative method and gramma-translation method the third grade of MTs ( Madrasah Tsanawiyah ) school students. Becausof these following reasons :
The Students know the varieties of Genetive Case in Grammar Translation Mehod.
All the students compare the grammar translation and Genetive case.
3. The Instument of research collect the data.
To carry out the teaching and learning using this technique, school should supporting materials and appropriate facilities. For example : Appropriate the number of students, story materials and availability of professional teachers necessary because story telling needs a special skill.

(mau isi hubungi

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